Thursday, February 8, 2018

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Happiness Quotes to Give You Joy

He whose face gives no light, shall never become a star.
William Blake

I'm going to enjoy every second, and I'm going to know I'm enjoying it while I'm enjoying it. Most people don't live; they just race. They are trying to reach some goal far away on the horizon, and in the heat of the going they get so breathless and panting that they lose sight of the beautiful, tranquil country they are passing through; and then the first thing they know, they are old and worn out, and it doesn't make any difference whether they've reached the goal or not.
Jean Webster

Of all the means to insure happiness throughout the whole life, by far the most important is the acquisition of friends.

You see, there are some people that one loves, and others that perhaps one would rather be with.
Henrik Ibsen

Whatever you do, you need courage. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising that tempt you to believe your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires some of the same courage that a soldier needs. Peace has its victories, but it takes brave men and women to win them.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relations. It is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that kills.

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Women's Health

Eyelasticity and How to Reduce Eye Bags

Some people look like zombies. They're the ones with bags under the eyes and they look like they've been up all night. So why is it that some of us get bags sooner than others? Several reasons.
Eye bags are part of the aging process, during which the ligaments that hold the under-eye fatty deposits get weaker. With time, the skin loses its elasticity and the bags get bigger. And while the speed at which this happens is often hereditary, some lifestyle factors can hasten the process.
Does that soften the blow? Eyelasticity Age-Defying Eye Therapy thinks it should, because it means that eye bags and that dreaded "tired" look are manageable and within your control. And in this article we'll review the things you can do to reduce eye baggage, and how Eyelasticity Age-Defying Eye Therapy can help.

Lifestyle Factors

Sleep With Your Head Elevated – When you sleep, fluid can accumulate under the eyes and contribute to eye bags and puffiness. Sleeping on your back and with your head on two pillows elevates your face while you rest and reduces fluid accumulation under the eyes.
Avoid Fluids Before Bedtime – Speaking of sleep, try not to drink fluids before you retire for the evening. With less fluid in your system while you rest there's less fluid to build up and cause puffiness.
Avoid Salty Snacks – Foods that are high in salt can increase water retention, and the effect is magnified while you rest, when your metabolism slows to a crawl.
Drink Plenty of Water (During the Day) – This sounds ironic considering we just discussed how water retention can cause eye bags, but the name of the game here is to drink it during the day. Your body needs water to flush out toxins and keep skin taut and healthy.
Green Tea Bags – One of the famous old wives tales you've heard, cold green tea bags can, in fact, reduce eye bags. Chalk it up to an anti-inflammatory chemical called EGCG, which can reduce fluid accumulation and tighten the delicate skin in this area. Not into green tea? Use a slice of cucumber instead.

Eyelasticity Age-Defying Eye Therapy

The preceding tips can reduce eye bags, and it is true that bagginess affects some more than others and at an earlier age. But it is inevitable that, at some point, Father Time catches up to all of us. You will develop bagginess at some point. Is there a solution? Actually, there is.
Eyelasticity Age-Defying Eye Therapy is a gentle, yet potent formulation of proven natural ingredients with Swiss-derived patented peptides, including Eyeseryl, Syn-ake and Pro-Coll-One+. They're ideal for the skin in this delicate area. And when combined, they do magical things.
In a recent clinical study, Eyelasticity Age-Defying Eye Therapy reduced under-eye puffiness in 95% of study participants. Seventy per cent of the volunteers saw improvements in less than two weeks and eye bags were reduced by thirty-two per cent.
Kinda makes you wonder why someone would spend $6,000 for a surgical eye lift, doesn't it?
Less intrusive than surgery and much more affordable, Eyelasticity Age-Defying Eye Therapy is a safe and effective way to reduce eye bags and that dreaded "tired" look. We think it will take years off your appearance, for a happier, more beautiful you!

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